Friday, November 5, 2021

 Quote of the week: "Each day of our life, we choose to let in more light, or stay in darkness. Each of us have our own race to run, our own mountians to climb. Let us be cheerleaders for ourselves and others."

                                                                                                  -Lorna Brown


Bellwork: Monday Morning Meeting:  

Literacy Read: Molecules

Molecules Review

Review too!

A solid, liquid AND gas?


Bellwork: Data Binders

Molecules Review

Molecles Quiz: 

    -Log on to Schoology

    -Take the Test

    -Record it in your Data Binder

Fast Finishers:  Icy bodies, Tripple Point of Water The Elements of Life, Rare Collection of Elements



Molecules Reteach/Extension Activity

Home Room Kindness Challenge:

Here is a list of kindness prompts for each day:
- Wednesday: Smile at someone who looks sad!
Thursday: Clean up trash left around to make our community cleaner!
Friday: Include someone new at lunch!
Monday: Compliment a teacher!
Tuesday: Do some yard work for a neighbor!
Wednesday: Write down 5 things you are grateful for!
- Thursday: Share a talent with someone to brighten their day!
Friday: Clean up someone else's lunch garbage!
Monday: Write a thank you card to someone who has made a difference to you!

Thursday-11 Veteran's Day:

Assembly Schedule: No Home Room 

States of Matter Assignment

Vocabulary Packet Link



Bill Nye: States of Matter

Sunday, October 31, 2021

November 1- 5

Quote of the week: "Always be a first-rate version of yourself,

instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."

Judy Garland


Bellwork:  DATA BINDERS: Please read pages

Atoms and Molecules Day 1: Vocabulary Study

Homeroom: Missing Assignment Report


 Bellwork:   Click on this link: and finish your worksheet from yesterday. 

-Atoms and Molecules Day 2

Fast finishers:  Explore these cool chemistry videos!

Homeroom: Reteach/Remediation


Bellwork: Pick up a packet as you walk in 

REMINDER: Bring in pictures of anyone in your family who is a veteran

Atoms and Molecules Day 3-4

Fast finishers:  Explore these cool chemistry videos!


REMINDER: Bring in pictures of anyone in your family who is a veteran

Bellwork: Find your packet on the counter and finish it:  If finished, pick up half sheet on the rolling table up front.

Atoms and Molecules Day 3-4 (start on slide 4)

Fast finishers:  Explore these cool chemistry videos!


Bellwork:Pick up a paper as you come in, then log in to your chromebooks

Watch this Brain Pop: Atoms

Periodic Table of Elements Chart:

Fast finishers:  Explore these cool chemistry videos!