Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sept. 28- Oct. 2

 Quote of the week: "When nothing goes RIGHT, go LEFT."

    Week 8


put your SEASONS foldable in the pocket of your Solar System section of your journal.

Data Binder: Fill in pages 2  

Monday Meeting

Monday Folder in Schoology: Cyclical Patterns "Nearpod"


5 minutes quick study:  Seasons Foldable, Seasons Literacy Read p. 24,25

Tuesdays Folder in Schoology: SEASONS TEST


Please update your Data Binder with your results from the SEASONS quiz.

We will be watching a documentary today.

In your journal:

1. What is one thing you watched/heard/ that was surprising or new to you?

2. Come up with one "Stump the Class Question"

Parent Teacher Conferences: 3:00-6:30  A-K


Journals:  Discuss with your tables:  Your observation and "Stump the class" question.

Thursdays Folder in Schoology: Day 2 Slides

Parent Teacher Conferences: 3:00-6:30 L-Z


Day 2 Slide show on Schoology