Quote of the week: "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"
-Dr. Seuss
Week 5
- Sept. 8th : Tuesday with Bluesday-- (wear as much blue as you can, GO HAWKS!)
- Sept. 9th: Wacky Wednesday-- crazy hair, crazy make-up, mismatched clothing.
- Sept. 10th:Thursday Jersday-- wear gear from your favorite sports teams.
- Sept. 11th: Freaky Friday- dress like your parents when they were your age. (or any decade themed dress up)
Moon tracker: log Sept 4,5,6, and 7 on your tracker
"Monday Meeting"
Open Tuesdays Folder: Complete this Eclipse Webquest
Moon tracker: log on your tracker
Review Webquest/Hand in
Open Wednesdays Folder: "GIZMO Eclipses"
Watch the Gizmo Slide Show
Moon tracker: log on your tracker
Review Gizmo Eclipses assignment/ Hand in
Show me what you know!
Open Thursday folder: "Eclipses CER"
Moon tracker: log on your tracker
Make-up Day:
-Hand in The Gizmo we worked on yesterday (soccer ball)
-Watch Retest videos Video 1 Video 2
-Retake Quiz (Get from Mrs. Hunt)
-Check for missing assignments
*ONLY IF YOU ARE CAUGHT UP -Explore links on my webpage